Saturday, December 30, 2006

Life Goes On

This week's topic on Sunday Scribblings is DESTINATION. I found an old poem I wrote many years ago that would somehow fit. I think I'd share this for now:

Life goes on...
So tired of thinking about (name withheld)...
So tired of bringing back memories...

Life goes on...

Nothing's definite.
What must I give up?
What must I hold?
Nothing's definite..but life goes on...

Give me a new horizon
Give me a new direction
Show me a new destination...

I was unsure of myself,
full of doubts...
full of fears...

You came along,
set me free
and life goes on...

Look at the light.. don't cease to pray...
have faith, have hope.
Life goes on.


Rose of Sharon said...

Thanks for visiting. Life does go on, doesn't it, even when we don't see where it's going. Thank you for reminding me to keep looking up. I need to find my faith again. Have a great new year!

Liza on Maui said...

Rose of Sharon, thank you also for visiting. I have a feeling this year will be a good year for you. Whenever you need someone to talk to about FAITH, remember I am just a blog away. Blessings to you.


RennyBA said...

What a lovely poem and perfect for the time!

Happy New Year to you and your family:-)

Liza on Maui said...

Thanks Renny. Happy New year to you and your family as well :)

Chaotic Mom said...

This was BEAUTIFUL. I actually filled in the name for someone in my past. Got me thinking a bit.

That's part about wisdom coming with age, we do realize now that life will go on. Hard thing to remember sometimes though, eh?

Liza on Maui said...

I'm glad you liked the poem Chaotic Mom. Thanks for visiting.

Liza on Maui said...

Thanks for visiting Paris Parfait. That's exactly what the poem was/is - it started pessimistic and depressed, it ended up with optimism. Thanks for the compliment.

Lisa @ The Plain-Spoken Pen said...

Liza, your poem fits with my state of mind right now. My life is going on, and hopefully I'm moving forward into optimism from a nasty long round of pessimism.

Wishing you much joy in 2007!

Liza on Maui said...

Lisa, blessings to you in 2007! Thanks for visiting.

Rethabile said...

You're right not to think about (name withheld) -- definitely not worth it...

Have a good 2007

Liza on Maui said...

Thanks for the confirmation rethabile. And thanks for visiting.