Friday, January 12, 2007

Sunday Scribbling : Idea

I am having a hard time coming up with "a good idea" on how to expound the Sunday Scribbling's prompt: IDEA

Lets' see...
Idea is a conception of invention
a vision for a mission
an embryo of growth
a ladder to success
an inspiration

Visit Sunday Scribblings for more ideas on IDEA.


Anonymous said...

Good definition for a word that at times is rather vague.

susanlavonne said...

I like your approach to this week's insightful and so true!

Regina said...

I think that says it all!

Becca said...

In just a few well chosen words, you've captured the essence of the idea. Good job!

bonggamom said...

Short but sweet, you said it all! BTW I am from the Philippines too, great to meet a kababayan online!

Inconsequential said...

Short poems are the best!
This is very good, liked it lots.

Anonymous said...

You said it all with very few words.
Good idea!
Take care,

NuttersNotes said...

Yes....that sums it up nicely and concisely

JHS said...

Great job!