Saturday, February 24, 2007

Sunday Scribbling: Puzzled

A mother to be was in agony over the lost of her baby in a miscarriage.
Sadness is not enough of a word to describe what she felt...
A wife longing to be a mom is patiently waiting,
waiting for so long for her womb to carry a child...
Yet a young woman entered an abortion clinic
to discard a child....
This paradox got me puzzled...
When one woman wanted a child and can't have one,
While the other who had one did not want one.....

A man is desperately praying, as his days are numbered.
He wants another chance to live,
He wants his illness to be healed.
Yet another young lad took a gun and killed himself.
That young lad didn't want to live.
This paradox got me puzzled...
When one man desperately wants to live and he will die,
While the other who can live, does not want life.

Poor children around the world are suffering
Many are hungry, with no food to eat.
Many are thirsty with no water to drink.
Some rich kids are partying, drinking wine to their heart's desire,
spending money like crazy with no regard...
This paradox got me puzzled...
If all the rich would share with the poor,
Wouldn't starvation diminish?

I know it's not that simple...
There are explanations...there are reasons behind...
And yet, for now these paradox makes me
bewildered, confounded, perplexed,
and puzzled.

For more PUZZLED Scribblings, visit Sunday Scribblings


Anonymous said...

Brilliant - simply brilliant.
A friend of mine desperately wants a baby, and we are right down the street from a clinic.
Makes them very sad when they go by there.
Thanks for visiting mine.

Regina said...

I agree- just brilliant. And so frustrating that we can't look beyond our own selfish desires and help one another...

Kamsin said...

I do find it strange that one floor of a hospital may be aborting babies while on another floor couples desperate for a baby are going through endless rounds of IVF. It is a puzzling world we inhabit.

Anonymous said...

I constantly wonder about these things as well. The way you wrote this piece is beautiful. My best friend is trying so hard to have a baby, she and her husband would be lovely parents. I just hope that soon, she will be graced.

gautami tripathy said...

Yes, such reflections hurt me. The whys and hows worry me no end.

Tammy Brierly said...

This asked some powerful questions Liza and it is very sad that we won't know all the answers. Maybe one day we will. Wonderful post!

briliantdonkey said...

Excellent take on this week's prompt and certainly a lot of food for thought. Sad really, but true.