Friday, March 16, 2007

Sunday Scribblings - Inspiration

My heart is happy
I will write a psalm of praise
I will sing a joyful song
I will rejoice
I will be glad

My mind is curious
I will let it wonder
I will explore
I will look, hear, touch and taste
Put in essay what I have discovered

My soul is weary
I will write a poem
I will scribble my lamentations
A tear drop on paper won’t matter
I will express my sorrows in words

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Sunday Scribblings (or advance)! For more thoughts on Inspiration and to wish them happy Anniversary, go tho Sunday Scribblings Site.


Jane said...

Thank you for those beautiful words. I feel inspired already to start a creative weekend!

TMTW said...

Liza, I agree with Jane on this - beautiful words and a lovely start to the weekend.

Inconsequential said...

I enjoyed that.
thanks for sharing :)

Regina said...

Oh, I loved this... so profound in its simpleness...
Thank you...

gautami tripathy said...

Beautiful sentiments..I love the last stanza.

"My soul is weary
I will write a poem
I will scribble my lamentations
A tear drop on paper won’t matter
I will express my sorrows in words"

So true..


Patois42 said...

Excellent advise, expressing sorrow in words.

bonggamom said...

I always enjoy reading your posts! Take care and happy scribblings.

Tammy Brierly said...

Liza, this is a wonderful way to share your inspiration. Lovely :)

God bless

Unknown said...

Awesome poem. Inspiration comes in every mood.