Friday, April 13, 2007

Sunday Scribblings: Secret Identity

The Dancer

I don't think I have "freely" danced since I moved to this could be my secret identity. Not many of my friends here know I love to dance. I don't think they know I like dancing. That dancer part of me has been dormant for years.... And honestly, now it seems like I am afraid to dance..I am shy to dance...

When I was young, I used to dance a lot. I was always in school programs, always in a dance. Even in high school I did dance a lot. I did not have the formal classes of ballet or jazz and tap because we were poor and can't afford those...but whenever dance is taught at school, I was there.

I danced all sorts of dance - ethnic (like Tiniklingand Pangdanggo sa Ilaw) disco, jazz, swing, salsa, hip hop and waltz. Being part of the Grand Cotillion on our Junior and Senior Ball in High School is one of my best memories of dance.

Yes, I was a dancer. And I think that dancer part of me will remain a Secret Identity here on Maui...until I start dancing HULA ..someday soon :)

For more "Secret Identity" revelations, visit Sunday Scribblings.
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.


Anonymous said...

I would think Maui would make you dance more!

It's no secret that I love to dance, but I'm revealing other secrets today.

gautami tripathy said...

Someday may your dancing ambitions come true.

Anonymous said...

My first public dance was at my daughter's wedding 20 months ago. Well, except for church . . . and only God can semi-appreciate that.

I applaud you, Liza, for being a dancer. I encourage to have "happy feet" often. :)

God bless.

Lucy said...

This is a secret you must tell! Keep dancing, let everyone see your love for it! ( nice blog!)

Anonymous said...

when i gewt over my shyness i like dancing too

I learnt ballroom when i was a child

Anonymous said...

Dance! Dance! Dance!

Patois42 said...

What's that saying -- or bumpersticker? "Dance as if no one is watching." Dance.

Anonymous said...

It's interesting how we protect the identities or aspects of us that we value the most from the eyes, and the judgments, of others. I've just posted about my own fear of "revealing" myself as an artist, writer and poet on Jane's Sunday Scribbling (at Painted House 52). It sounds like you are a fantastic dancer - I hope you start dancing the Hula soon!

Thanks for your lovely comment on my own Sunday Scribbling poem, and for taking the time to read back through some of my posts. Please do post that link that you mentioned - I'm very interested in other people's thoughts on the subject.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I love dancing and dance as often as I can. My work colleagues though don't know this about me....

Tammy Brierly said...

I share your love of dance especially the waltz. "Sigh"

The hula is lovely so enjoy!

sheilamarie said...

hi liza, i hope you overcome your shyness soon =) hula sounds like lots of fun!

Unknown said...

I can't dance worth beans and wish I could. My son dances though--Jazz, Modern and Ballet although he isn't all that good he has spirit. And an admiring mom.

bonggamom said...

Sounds like me!! I actually danced professionally until my early twenties, and now I don't do a lick of dancing. It's a long-dormant passion that's just waiting for the right time to emerge...